11,00 €

Sublime haute couture button Abalone mother-of-pearl rimmed with bakelite French manufacturing, vintage

8,00 €

Beautiful abalone mother-of-pearl button 4 holes, gray pink and green reflections Vintage but new button, original 30s

11,00 €

Masterful sewing button Gray mother-of-pearl with slight pink reflections Four holes, with a contoured cuff

6,00 €

Capsizing curved button Gold concave center, mouse gray border Vintage, French

5,50 €

Chic look with sparkling bands Dark gray tinged with blue Pressed glass Vintage French button series

18,00 €

Crazy charming button Pink gray mother-of-pearl Chiseled in checkerboard French manufacturing, vintage

7,50 €

Two-color sewing button Taupe gray cabochon center Chanel burgundy streaked crown French and vintage series

6,00 €

Small accessory that plays with contrasts Button edged in shiny gold Glass base composed of angles and matt pearl gray volumes Certified Vintage Button Series

8,00 €

Surprisingly shaped sewing button Extreme curves surrounded by beige pearls On pale pink round base French and vintage manufacturing

7,00 €

High fancy button Round and plump surrounded by beige pearls On a pearl gray spherical base French made

4,60 €

Soft and luminous gray Gray mother-of-pearl with light green reflections Light cuff on the edges with 4 central holes Vintage and certified French production

6,50 €

Sculptural jewel button Harmonious black and mouse gray Vintage and French production

Showing 1 - 12 of 65 items