8,50 €

Divine rectangular buttons from the 70's Composite sewing buttons: Chocolate wood, beige Bakelite, silver metal Exclusive BUTTONS PARADISE Pure vintage and rare

7,00 €

Magnificent haute couture log button Silver glass with its fringed middle French manufacturing, vintage from the 20s

3,50 €

Button with pharaoh decoration Old silver tinted metal French manufacturing, vintage

5,00 €

Sewing button that sparkles Sparkling silver glass of mini stickers Divine vintage and French

6,00 €

Baguette button that looks like a cocoon Matte and shiny silver metal Vintage and French

6,00 €

Longiline baguette button Semi-matte silver metal Vintage and French

4,50 €

Magnificent original jewelry button 30s Silver streaked molded glass Round with a half arch in the center Exclusive BUTTONS PARADISE

6,50 €

Domed and openwork button Silver ABS molded resin Original 70s French manufacturing, vintage

4,50 €

Graphic and rectilinear Button mixing metal and resin Red in the center with two silver edges Made in France and original 70s

2,60 €

In ABS resin 70s button archetype Generous lines, so chic French and vintage manufacturing

21,00 €

Fabulous jewel button Domed and high face Silver plated Exclusive to BUTTONS PARADISE

3,40 €

Nice series of buttons Resin in the manner of metal, silver and satin red Made in France, to see also in black and white At your place within 72 hours

Showing 1 - 12 of 45 items